Management Consulting Services

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1012 Charles St
Providence , RI 02904
+1 401-276-5100

All 2 Reviews

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IBM - IT Product Experts

Finance/Accounting , Financial Services

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

We had to replace our older IT network servers and computers. IBM consultants got us in touch with the best products for our business needs. We found products that worked for us that we not have found ourselves. The cost was within our budget and project timeline. Overall it was a very good experience for us.

Strengths: IBM consultants were experts in the products that we were looking for. We need new IT equipment and they got us the products we needed for our growing business.

Needs to improve: They were pushing their consulting services but we just needed them for the purchase. The maintenance packages were out of our budget.

Great desktop/software support

IT , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Expensive compare to other competitions.

Strengths: good customer support, great field expertise, quick turnaround

Needs to improve: We contracted IBM consulting to provide enterprise desktop support in our company and they doing a great job. Most of our desktop trouble tickets get resolved on time. They usually makes sure that they inform you and follow up with you if they need more time to resolve your issue because of whatever reason, and they always update you on the status of your request. Overall, they are great to work with.