Contact Information

9295 Siempre Viva Rd. - Building C - D
San Diego , CA 92154
+1 619-498-9199

All 2 Reviews

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good company for packaging needs

Manufacturing , Consumer Products

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 3

When we were looking for a new green, innovative packaging solution for our product we went out and sought prototypes from various companies. It came down to PM and another company. Although PM's prototype was very comparable to the competitor and it was very tough decision, ultimately we went with the more green and sustainable packaging solution. PMP is very close, we think just a few tweaks and changes in their suppliers they can get green. However if that is not a priority PMP is as good, if not better than others.

Strengths: website, prototypes

Needs to improve: not as green as other companies

Great packaging company

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Great experience, they walked and worked closely all through the design process

Strengths: Customer service, on-time delivery of prototypes

Needs to improve: Long to get back after you contact them.