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339 Mathew St
Santa Clara , CA 95050
+1 408-748-8400

All 2 Reviews

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Swiss Screw Products Inc!! LOOK INTO THEM!!

CEO/Owner , Automotive

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Our shop has been going through Swiss Screw Products for about a year now and they have provided nothing but great quality custom pieces for us. Anything from washers, spacers, bushings, etc. There staff is very knowledgeable of their products and they don't mess around when you make an order! They give you exactly what you want! We have never had any complaints!

Strengths: Great staff! Fair pricing! Great product!

Needs to improve: Shipping could be a little faster.

Great Swiss Screw Machine Shop

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Helpful staff, parts arrived day before they promised to ship so it was nice to have the parts earlier than expected.

Strengths: Accurate qoutes and lead time, parts were all machined to print

Needs to improve: 3 week lead time, was hoping for something much faster 1 week