Flexible Packaging

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Contact Information

9939 Widmer Rd
Lenexa , KS 66215
+1 913-894-2211

All 4 Reviews

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customer driven, full team support!

Manufacturing , Consumer Products

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 5

Amcor's great, while we were looking to change up our packaging, something more inviting to customers and something we can claim as "green" we came across Amcor. Amcor's mission statement fit our needs so we went in further with them. We told them what we were looking for and our needs. They put their design team on it and created a 3d rendering of what we wanted almost immediately. We were so impressed. When the prototype came, it was perfect. We could not have asked for a better experience.

Strengths: innovative packaging, in house design team, creativity

Needs to improve: price

their packaging was great for our first time trying the laminate film on our product packaging

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 3

We are new to ordering from Amcor and we are pleased that we did .we need laminate plastic film for our packaging and it was a breath of fresh air that we went through them .everything was done on time and thats always a plus for us ,we will be back for more packaging needs we liked the laminate film a lot it was so easy .we have no complaints at all .so pleased.

Strengths: packaging film,good service nice staff

Needs to improve: no weaknesses

Great laminate filming on packages

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 4

We have used their product recently to try it out and it worked great we tried their laminate film packaging ,easy to open just by pulling back and time saver,we love these
We will be ordering more.

Strengths: Great laminate film on their packaging

Needs to improve: No issues

Manufacturer of various kinds of pouches

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 3 / Quality 5

Do price comparison between Amcor and Mangar.

Strengths: This is the only vendor that is available next to Mangar. Their services are quite similar to Mangar. I have used either one and have selected based on the price. Sometimes, either companies could do price match or even beat prices to retain their current customers.

Needs to improve: None