Contact Information

201 Mission Street, 30th Floor
San Francisco , CA 94105
+1 415-318-7520

All 3 Reviews

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Betts Recruiting will find you high caliber candidates that are right for the job!

General Administrative , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

While at a Software as a Service company in SF we hired some very well qualified and successful candidates via Betts Recruiting. The service Betts provides saves an immense amount of time, and provides better results than conducting your own hiring process. They are able to quickly understand the caliber candidates you are searching for and deliver these results. As well, they make the entire process smooth and effortless on the client's side, so you can go about your business and let Betts bring you the right people.

I have not worked with their NYC office, so I cannot comment on the quality of work and service they provide. However, I imagine it is the same.

Strengths: Well networked in the San Francisco Bay Area. A young, high energy staff that is passionate about Recruiting. They work hard to match the right candidate with the right opportunity. Experienced in staffing sales, marketing and business development roles at a variety of companies, especially tech and online startups.

Needs to improve: None based on my experience.

Great staffing solutions

Operations , Consulting

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

We contract out our staffing needs to Betts and haven't been disappointed. Quality referrals and candidates that streamline our hiring process. We need the flexibility and availability to scale and Betts provides that in a turnkey solution. Quality team and customer service. Will continue to use.

Strengths: Quality system, customer service, reliabilty

Needs to improve: none

Quality Candidates are always presented to us!

Purchasing , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Great customer service and reliable staff. The quality candidates presented to us ,Marketing professionals usually find a job with us. They are always reliable and dependable. Great enthusiastic staff with lots of energy!

Strengths: Good recruiting expertise as well as quality candidates presented

Needs to improve: None