Medical And Hospital Equipment

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11465 S.E. Hwy. 212, P.O. Box 69
Clackamas , OR 97015
+1 503-656-6600

All 3 Reviews

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Reviewer Job Function

Full-service FDA registered medical device manufacturer

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 2 / Price 3 / Quality 4

we use Dravon as one of our contract manufacturer of a medical device we wanted to produce from our prototype model. They have one central facility that does all the manufacturing so because they do not have multiple satellite locations, they will take longer to complete larger projects. Their facility has class 10,000 clean rooms and a single EtO sterilizer. They specialize in making RF sealed medical grade bags and heat seal bags as well. Our projects were always finished on time given that we were never on a close timeline. their pricing is fair as well. they also have a on-site engineering team for prototype design and production capability that we however did not use. All in all, our products were durable quality that was made to fit our specification, it was done on time and the quotes we were given at the start of our project was fairly accurate except for a few additional charges due to last minute changes to our blueprint

Strengths: medical device manufacturing, contract services, full-service, FDA registered, ISO certified, EtO sterilization available, has clean room capabilities

Needs to improve: smaller company so large orders will take longer

Customized Medical Supplies

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

They provide remarkable service, very sympathetic to their customers needs, and they provide free samples of new products as well as over the phone quotes which is very convenient.

Strengths: They have an experienced technical support staff that help you customize your medical bags properly using the best quality materials, and shape and size to fit your needs. If you have any questions or concerns they are right there to assist you and make you comfortable and happy with the outcome of your customized product.

Needs to improve: None.

Great clamps

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 3 / Price 2 / Quality 4

Our company has had a great experience with Dravon Medical ,we are pleased and satisfied with their knowledge and great communication they gave us they carry tru blu clamps that work well an we will be ordering again.

Strengths: Clamps
Very knowledgable
Great staff

Needs to improve: None