Custom Computer Programming Services

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14900 Conference Center Dr
Chantilly , VA 20151
+1 703-393-2222

All 3 Reviews

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Real-time software for manufacturing operations

CEO/Owner , Consulting

Speed 4 / Price 3 / Quality 4

we use infinity's ProFicient platform manage our operations. their software allows us to get data collection and integration, has real-time monitoring and analytic capabilities, unified data repository, and has helped us manage our workflow tremendously. using their software. their software engineers will create a solution that best fits the needs of your company. we are a smaller firm so we didnt need as many components in the software as larger corporations and they were able to tailor that into our software. once integrated, the system runs very smoothly and has been very time saving and cost saving for us

Strengths: data analysis, data management, quality management, easy to use software, easily integrates into existing software/cloud computing system, real-time data

Needs to improve: none

Very powerful SPC software

Quality , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 2 / Quality 5

We have SPC on our production floor using Infinity QS. The operators using SPC enabled calipers and micrometers are able to easily enter data into the computer. Since the software is web based, I can log into the system from anywhere and get up to the minute process information. I also use the software to performing measurement capability studies.

Strengths: Infinity QS is a very powerful easy to use SPC software package. With Infinity, in-process SPC can be implemented very easily allowing the operators to input data directly from their SPC enabled measurement instruments. The software is also very user friendly.

Needs to improve: Very expensive annual license fees

A very promising SPC Software

IT , Architectural And Engineering

Speed 5 / Price 3 / Quality 5

One of our corporate partners is using InfinityQS Proficient and we are looking at the feasibility of this prepackaged software for our data collection, analysis, work flow management and reporting if it can be utilized as the corporate standard. The software offers useful features that we identified as important in our current process.

Strengths: well featured and easy to use.

Needs to improve: price