Contact Information

11813 East Slauson Avenue
Santa Ana , CA 90670
+1 562-698-0901

All 4 Reviews

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Fluid Dispensers and accessories

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

JA is a good resource for fluid dispensers (EFD) and accessories. they usually have most items in stock and can get the equipment to you in a timely fashion. I have not had any issues when it comes to ordering and customer support.

Strengths: Fast turnaround, good product selection, knowledgeable sales staff, online ordering system

Needs to improve: None

Great source for your EFD needs.

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

J.A. Crawford has always been very response and helpful in identifying the right solution for our application. Their customer service is exceptional and they always deliver on time.

Strengths: J.A. Crawford is a great source for all your fluid dispensing needs. They carry large selection of EFD supplies including dispensing systems, disposables, robots and much more.

Needs to improve: None

Find the right dispenser for your individual needs

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Personally met with me to help figure out our needs and helped decide what dispenser was the best for us. Very nice, knowledgable sales representative to followed up to make sure that we were satisfied with our purchase.

Strengths: Large inventory of fluid dispensers, customer service is on point

Needs to improve: none

First stop for Dispensers

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 5 / Quality 4

Quick response when I was looking for a particular application

Strengths: high level of customer service. In-house expertise

Needs to improve: Should provide other brand depressors than EFD