Pharmaceutical Preparations

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1316 Commerce Dr
Decatur , AL 35601
+1 256-350-1297

All 7 Reviews

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medical compounding

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 3 / Price 4 / Quality 4

we have an account with letco for our medical compounding. we do nonsterile compounding as well as sterile compounding for injection/fertility needs. Letco's batch compounding chemicals are fine quality and each of their batches passes rigorous FDA approved regulations, QA. this company is also VAWD accredited, which is an extra layer of security. they have brand/generic equivalents and you are able to order either by drug name or NDC making it convenient if your company has a reference for specific manufactures.

Strengths: lots of volume, competitive pricing, fast delivery

Needs to improve: smaller vendors in medical compounding

Letco kicks butt

General Administrative , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Our firm sources from Letco Companies to purchase a variety of components and tools for our R&D purposes. They have suge a wide range of products that we are really able to utilize a one stop shop method with them. As a smaller firm with tight deadlines, this is vital to use manufacturing efficiently. Thier customer service is always helpful and able to guide us to the right products and their leads times have always been wonderful. They have a great team at Letco and we plan on shopping with them again!

Strengths: quality products, price, lead times

Needs to improve: none

Great Products

Customer Service , Medical Device

Speed 3 / Price 4 / Quality 5

My company has been contracting with LETCO Medical for the past 6 months purchasing various tools and supplies for our medical device products. Their fair prices and high quality of product offerings make them a one stop shop for our tool needs. What sets them apart is their professionalism and willingness to always be available to help us with our needs. I've interacted many times with their customer service department and they have also been exceptional in their service. I would highly recommend giving them a chance.

Strengths: Products

Needs to improve: None

good supplier

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

We order large amount of medical component from Letco Companies on a regular basis for the production assembly line. They have a wide medical component that we user for our dialysis machines. Top of the line quality. Very reliable and easy to use. Never had any major issues with the dynamics of the tools. Excellent customer service staffs to help you with all your shipping and ordering needs. Meets and exceeds expectations. Great vendor to work with.

Strengths: fast service and high quality component

Needs to improve: none

high quality of equipment for compounding

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

my pharmacy does a decent volume of non-sterile compounding and besides our glassware we get the all of our other compounding supplies from capsules, metered dose dispensers, containers, mortars/pestles, weight boats, etc. it is very helpful that they have everything you need for compounding supplies. although we do not order or pharmaceuticals for compounding from them, they also have those items as well. truly one shop stop at Letco!

Strengths: they have everything you need for medical compounding

Needs to improve: none

great vendor

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

We source a variety of components and tools from Letco Companies for our R&D purposes. Customer service is there when we need them, accurate with their quotes and reliable with lead times. We're a small company but aren't treated as such. Quality supplier with a great staff.

Strengths: high quality products and good customer service

Needs to improve: no weakness

Very reliable bio compounds from this supplier

Purchasing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Supplier for bio coats we use for our medical device we manufacture for internal use. the supplier is very dependable when it comes to producing the bio coat and delivering the bio coat to us.

Strengths: very good supplier of bio products

Needs to improve: specialty products can get expensive and take time to manufacture