Contact Information

1190 Obrien Dr
Menlo Park , CA 94025
+1 650-322-7555

All 5 Reviews

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Very capable comprehensive CNC manchine shop

Quality , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

We use Polytec to machine several of our small CNC milled metal components. We send them our sold woks files an we get prototype parts pretty fast. We have very little problems with their quality and they are very responsive when ever an issue does come up.. Overall, they are a very capable CNC machine shop.

Strengths: Polytec is a very capable comprehensive machine shop. They do precision machine work in both metals and plastics as well as in mechanical and electro-mechanical assemblies. They have a very qualified team of engineers to help in the design and development of machined metal components.

Needs to improve: None

Great shop willing to take on challenging work

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

We have source a couple machined components for our catheter thru Polytec. The most difficult was modifying the ID of a Y-Connector Luer fitting. The part was hard to hold and even harder to de-burr, but they did a great job and stayed with it until I was completely satisfied. Their patience was astounding, which is good because I bring them all kinds of seemingly strange jobs. They do great work on standard machining jobs as well, with reasonable pricing and delivery.

Strengths: cnc machined parts of nearly any size

Needs to improve: no issues to report

Excellent Machine Shop

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 5 / Quality 4

I have sent many jobs to Polytec, big and small, simple and complicated. The Polytec team has always been clear on what to expect when I am asking for the impossible, and have worked magic on more than one occasion. I highly recommend giving them a shot at your next machined component.

Strengths: Plastic and metal machining services

Needs to improve: none

Plastic CNC - machining

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

We've used Polytec and were satisfied with the job. They do decent plastic CNC work but the price could be better. On time delivery

Strengths: Plastic CNC, on time delivery

Needs to improve: Pricing

Very capable machine shop

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Polytec is a capable machine shop that has produced a number of components for use in our catheter. Their quality is good, and their lead times reasonable.

Strengths: Machining

Needs to improve: None