Surgical And Medical Instruments

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2866 Nationwide Pkwy
Brunswick , OH 44212
+1 330-273-4408

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labeling system without having to install new software

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 4 / Price 3 / Quality 3

we needed identification labels printed for our our products but we have numerous networks and needed the labels to be printed on multiple PC's with central management for the formatting of the labels. we use Tharo system's EasyLabel 5 platinum. they assisted our IT department in configuration to our multiple networks. this was a huge benefit for us because we are now able to print from any of our various networks without having to install a completely new software system. we now have a centralized management system and has not added an additional work load on our IT team to have to troubleshoot various PCs. we print just the typical barcode for scanning and numeric identification labels and EasyLabel does the job. we have had minimal issues with the system and when we have had a delay, their IT team was able to fix the issue remotely and decreased our downtime. would recommended them and because they have multiple retailers around the country, shipping and ordering is easy

Strengths: labels that connect to web server, central management, printable labels on various networks, PC and Mac compatible, easy to use, doesnt require intense IT management to implement, company has multiple retailers that make purchasing and ordering easy and convenient.

Needs to improve: none

New gen of printing very reliable

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Our printer and ribon supplier.
Very reliable service.
They have wide selections of printer accessories and more.
Their product is very reliable making our job way easier.
Ordering from them is easy you just look up online catalog and also call them.
They have great customer service to assist you with that process ordering to getting a quotes or just asking questions or getting ideas.
Very reliable over all

Strengths: Reliable
Great product
Highly efficient

Needs to improve: None

If you need to print labels, use EasyLabel from Tharo!

General Administrative , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Used Tharo's EasyLabel for 20 years with Datamax printers. Easy to configure and lay out. WYSIWYG is really helpful. Can pull input data from a network and output it to any printer. Serial files are also great for indexing and serializing labels.

Strengths: EasyLabel is easily configurable, WYSIWYG, and can generate any bar code.

Needs to improve: None

Great for labels

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 4

Our experience has been good they made it easy for us to customize our labels and get everything we needed,we are very happy with our finished labels ,we would definitely recommend them anytime , thank Tharo Systems inc. we are happy customers.

Strengths: Labeling
Good communication
Fast shipping

Needs to improve: No weaknesses