Contact Information

4105 South Mendenhal
Memphis , TN 38115
+1 901-542-0610

All 2 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

Ground and Air transportation

CEO/Owner , Consulting

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 4

our company uses versant for their transportation services. they are very reliable and always on time. they do domestic and international air freight, ground service as well as intermodal which is their door to door and door to ramp service. they are a smaller transportation company but does just a good of a job as the larger corporations. if you have an account with them, most of the transactions are done online and they can even email shipping labels so you can just slap it on and schedule a pick up

Strengths: value-added distribution, multi-modal transportation, staffing

Needs to improve: none

Great Transportation Service

Operations , Retail

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Our company uses Versant to pick up fixtures and ship out fixtures to and from our retailers. They also help us to refurbish any damaged fixtures. Our product arrives at stores in good condition and in timely matters.

Strengths: good service

Needs to improve: none