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Uses Spam text messages as "marketing"

R & D / Engineering , Internet

Speed 1 / Price 1 / Quality 1

1stbay sends unwanted spam text messages to phones that are on the do not call list. I would never use them. If they are breaking the CAN SPAM act for their own marketing, they will probably do it on your campaigns which can severely affect potential customer perception of your business and potentially have you end up legally responsible for any lawsuits. Spam text messages are worst that Spam emails.

Their promise of drumming up new customers using Bulk SMS indicates they will be breaking the CAN SPAM act. They are as bad as robocallers.

Before you use them, remember!!!
Any direct marketing message is considered unsolicited (and hence spam) unless:

The recipient has requested the message

The message recipient has a prior commercial relationship with the message originator and has been given a reasonable opportunity to object to direct marketing communications.

The organization supplying the originator with the recipient's contact information has the recipient's explicit consent to do so.

I had none of these, yet 1stbay sent me text marketing messages.