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22 American Street

Mt Holly, NC 28120
+1 704-827-4311

All 1 Reviews

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a&e thread is the greatest!

Manufacturing , Apparel Manufacturing

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Sale reps are very helpful when selecting the right type of thread for all products from soft line to hard line products. The also offer free assistance when having thread issues arises with overseas factories. They have agents all over world, so If you have a problem with an overseas factory they will trouble shoot it for you for free.
They also offer a free thread seminar to all companies big or small...I learned a lot from this seminar
They are a super great company and will continue using

Strengths: 1)Great customer service.
2)Great in communicating and trouble shooting
3) Great supplier of all types of threads from color to texture
4) a Hugh variety if threads

Needs to improve: Wish they were more local. Sales rep in California are great but hard to get a hold of at times