Contact Information

24 Willie Mays Plaza
San Francisco, CA 94107
+1 415-972-2000

All 1 Reviews

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Need a large meeting place that's also cool?

Purchasing , Medical Device

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 3

They were great with handling events they have done time and time again. However, they don't do well with surprises. It can catch them very off guard and they won't handle it very well.

Strengths: AT&T Park is a great place when conducting meetings and events of any sort. The staff is really great to work with when needing offices to work out of, catering to feed the staff, and anything else. They have a wonderful catering staff that will meet everyone's dietary needs. There is a large range of offices and rooms to use when conducting business and dressing rooms. If you need a quick way around the park they allow you the use of golf carts to get there.

Needs to improve: Communication among their own personal staff could use some help. When meeting early in the morning many of the staff were unaware we would be there and did not grant us access until someone came in 2 hours later. It was something that should have been communicated to the staff as we were scheduled to be there months in advanced.