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PO Box 1077
Murfreesboro, TN 37133
+1 615-896-2938

All 1 Reviews

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When you need to reach out and touch someone, Barrett is the go to gun

Supply Chain/Logistics , Military / Law Enforcement

Speed 5 / Price 3 / Quality 5

Always a pleasure to deal with. Great customer support

Strengths: Wow, when the military can reach out and kill someone at over a mile and a half away, you can imagine the implications in a civilian law enforcement application. The Barrett .50 cal is an amazing platform for knock down capability. It can stop a fleeing vehicle and kill a hidden suspect behind a concrete wall. That is why it is the ultimate sniper weapon. Luckily, our department is fortunate to own one. Civilian rules of engagement though limit it's use.

Needs to improve: Very expensive, but you get what you pay for. Ammunition is also expensive. Supply competes against military needs.