Fasteners, Buttons, Needles, And Pins

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19 Thornton Rd
Oakland, NJ 07436
+1 201-337-6800

All 1 Reviews

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Sheetmetal Captive Fasteners...

R & D / Engineering , Telecommunications

Speed 4 / Price 5 / Quality 4

I have used Captive Fasteners Corp throughout my career as a second source to PEM fasteners. They are highly reliable and dependable fasteners. Captive Fasteners Corp offers a variety of fasteners; clinch-nuts, standoffs, studs, floating fasteners, drill guides, Inserts, blind threaded inserts, inch & metric to cover the commercial industries to a tee. Their sales staff is knowledgeable, provides accurate quotes, data sheets, samples, delivery schedules, etc... They have been around a long time and we will continue to use in product design of sheet metal.

Strengths: - customer service - competitive pricing - accurate quotes - design assistance - samples

Needs to improve: none