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4600 Silicon Drive
Durham, NC 27703
+1 919-313-5300

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Best LED lights and components

Supply Chain/Logistics , Military / Law Enforcement

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Great company and product.

Strengths: We use Cree high output LED's components to make ultra powerful weapon lights for firearms. They provide a huge lumen per watt output and as a result, we can get a brighter light into a smaller package with great run time. Cree LED's work very well in compact packages, they are high quality and long lasting. LED prices have also come down significantly in the past few years so they are much more price competitive to the old halogen bulbs we used. Cree is the best LED supplier we have been able to identify to date.

Needs to improve: Due to high LED demand from other industries, supply can be limited at times.