Blankbooks And Looseleaf Binders

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4810 Greatland
San Antonio, TX 78218
+1 210-662-9882

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One of my favorite suppliers!

Purchasing , Printing

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

It was a successful relationship with DDK/Tap Packaging Solutions. The fact that majority of what I know today as a Sr. Buyer/Planner, primarily in the book-binding industry, is because of this team. I owe what I know to them.

Strengths: Industry Knowledge and Expertise - D. Davis Kenny Co which is now TAP Packaging Solutions (headquarters in Cleveland, OH) has a very strong operations management and sales team. This company has helped develop products for my employer and myself. Their technical background paved way for us to understand the correct type of machineries that we need to procure and deploy on our printing facilities. Their knowledge of the supply chain and the different resources (i.e. glue supplier, endleaf reinforcement supplier) they have was very well appreciated too.
Customer Service - This supplier gave top-notch customer service. They are one of the few suppliers I've worked with that will go the extra mile to ensure that our needs are taken cared of. A particular example is when I have an urgent delivery that needs to happen next day. We've already past the FedEx cut off time for pick ups. The Operations Manager went to a FedEx office to drop of the package. :)
Vast Catalogue - DDK or TAP Packaging Solutions does photobook covers, folders, photo album covers, menu covers, and many different kinds of packaging supplies.

Needs to improve: I would say that DDK/TAP Packaging Solutions could do some improvements on their reporting side. While I was still doing business with them, they are using JD Edwards ERP system. I've not used that system but I've observed that it doesn't allow the supplier to provide me with easily generated and concise reports that would have rendered both of us efficient and quick in reviewing demand vs. supply.