Commercial Physical Research

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120 Centennial Ave
Piscataway, NJ 08854
+1 732-885-9188

All 1 Reviews

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Research is easy with Genscript

Clinical , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Standard negotiations with a contract CRO are straightforward with breaks on increasing work.

Strengths: Make cloning easier. Instead of spending a month to clone your gene, just have Genescript synthesize it! This amazing service is staffed by quality CRO's who can knock out your gene or gene sets without you needing to pick up a pipettor.

Needs to improve: Unfortunately, they can't clone anything you can't. So tough genes, large genes, large genomes have no chance of being synthesized at the moment. Guess Criag Venter can keep tooting his own horn for awhile longer.