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Incorrect product sent, company refused to correct the order

Property Management

Speed 4 / Price 2 / Quality 3

I had been using the service for weekly orders of supplies needed for properties that the company I work for maintains.

Often they deliver quickly, but the service level has dropped significantly.
Prior they would list items in-stock only to deliver a partial order of materials and then inform me other items were on back-order with no expected date to be available.

I placed an order recently and received the incorrect product.
I notified the company through their website channel and email of the problem without response.
Several weeks passed before I was told they would process the return.
The "warehouse" decided not to accept the return so I am being charged for equipment they never delivered.

My company is ceasing doing any further business with Hd Supply for this reason.

Ask for Gary Armas

General Administrative , Construction

Speed 4 / Price 5 / Quality 3

very great overall experience. our rep is a great guy who has my personal cell to get in touch with me so we can get together. never a long wait when you call the main office about anything. returns of anything never a problem whether its broken or just doesn't end up fitting when we get it here.

Strengths: * great customer service
* knowledgeable reps
* very reasonable prices
* will make custom parts to your measurements
* field rep will come out to your location if you need hep
* have a wide variety of parts in every field of construction
* have your own personal representative
* open to hear new ideas on making stuff better or simple adjustments to something they have
* next day delivery

Needs to improve: * the office and warehouse are located 10 mins from each other * occasional problems with getting wrong parts due to labeling issues * very busy and sometimes the rep can't make it out once a month * the office people don't know the warehouse people personally * custom parts may take a couple days