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619 Oak Street
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
+1 866-339-4653

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Website and catalog are difficult to use, but products are great

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 3 / Quality 4

This company makes fluidic and air fittings, and their products are really good. High quality, and work really well. However, their website and catalog are terrible - more often than not, I find myself calling them directly to make sure that the connection I want to make will work with the parts I'm ordering. Their customer service and technical support team is very good, so I would recommend that approach. It's daunting to use them the first time around, but once you have a certain level of comfort when contacting them and have some experience with their system, it works out.

Strengths: Good products, and some which I haven't been able to find a comparable product.

Needs to improve: The website and catalogs are terrible.

Good products, horrible (user unfriendly) catalog

R & D / Engineering , Education

Speed 4 / Price 3 / Quality 4

Once you get past the horrible catalog and pick out your part, the part arrives and everything is fine.

Strengths: They sell very nice products, like the chromatography and microfludics connectors, fittings, tubing, and pumps. These are indispensable in use for chromatography and micro and milli fluidic applications.

Needs to improve: Their website and catalog is horrible. Its very difficult to pick out the component you need and they make you work hard to get the part you need. Its as if they don't want you to purchase these components from them.