Contact Information

12 Langley Hill Rd
Redwood City , CA 94062
+1 650-851-0179

All 1 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

Crushed rock supplier

Supply Chain/Logistics , Agricultural / Forestry

Speed 4 / Price 5 / Quality 4

Always great service.

Strengths: Langley Hill Quarry is a supplier of crushed base rock material we use for road building and general construction. They provide crushed base and drain rock used for primary roadbed underlayment. They are a local, family owned company which is very responsive to our needs. Their rock products are usually widely available (depending upon weather) and come from a convenient source. Their drain rock is commonly used by us for septic systems. They also provide an in house septic design and construction division which has a very good reputation locally. I have scheduled large orders from them and when given enough lead time, they have an almost limitless supply of rock and rock material.

Needs to improve: This is a business which is weather dependent. When there is heavy rain, supply can be in short supply, as it is sometimes difficult to run the crushers.