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Mohawk Av
Waterford, NY 12188
+1 518-237-4403

All 1 Reviews

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A trusted supplier

Purchasing , Printing

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Mohawk is a very effective partner/supplier. We plan together, we meet on a regular basis to discuss forecasts, inventory, production roadmap, spikes on sales, quality etc. Mohawk will make impossible things happen. We were a great team.

Strengths: Mohawk Paper, the one located in Cohoes, NY is a pool of very smart people. From the technical team down to sales group, I learned a lot from them. Mohawk has formulated several custom paper for our printing applications. They are leaders in the industry that understand which types of paper can optimize the performance of different printing engines such as iGen (Xerox) and Indigo (HP). They do carry a wide variety of products too. They were flexible in terms of leadtime. They work with you to ensure your supply requirements are taken cared of. There's many instances that I'd run out of supply, and the Mohawk team made things impossible - worked nights, weekends, worked through all other projects in queue to ensure that a machine time is dedicated to my purchase order.

Needs to improve: I don't have weaknesses that I could think of, honestly. They performed very well as a major paper supplier for my employer.