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24 Norton St
Worcester, MA 01605
+1 508-852-6204

All 4 Reviews

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Reliable quality!!

Supply Chain/Logistics , Consumer Products

Speed 3 / Price 4 / Quality 5

I received their different types of blades for inventory stock and use by our R&D personnel to cut the ceramic tiles components for wafer assembly. It was easy to install for such tiny piece of materials the quality is good.

Strengths: Reliable quality product.

Needs to improve: None so far.

A great staff and great company supplier.

Supply Chain/Logistics , Consumer Products

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Blades products from Norton that we recieved for warehouse stock. These were very handy to cut and design our ceramic materials. They were good quality and reliable. We will continue to use Norton products.

Strengths: Quality, dependable and reliable products.

Needs to improve: None

high quality blades that stays sharp for a long time

Supply Chain/Logistics , Consumer Products

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

their blades come in very sharp and they stay that way for a long time even when we use them almost everyday. very good quality. strong and dependable.

Strengths: they last for a very long time

Needs to improve: none so far

The product i use for cutting raw ceramic is very good quality and easy to install to the machine

Supply Chain/Logistics , Consumer Products

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

I use this Blade for cutting raw ceramic for our design of probehead equipment

Strengths: Strong quality and easy to use

Needs to improve: Nothing I know