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37 Accu Chek Dr
Saint Marys, PA 15857

All 1 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

difficult to get a hold of a live representative

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 3

as a pharmacy owner, we work with many vendors that provide products for our pts and we house a lot of diabetic testing supplies from Accu-chek. we had one incident where a pt needed a replacement and wanted us to call them bc his english was not that great and he was having a difficult time getting in contact with the representative. When our staff tried to call, the messages are very loopy and made it hard to get to a live person. it took us a lot of work and in the end we decided it was much faster to just have the pts MD order him a new device. they need to work on their phone system in making it easier to get in contact with a live rep who can help.

Strengths: quality products

Needs to improve: customer service is difficult to get a hold of