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211 Oregano Ct.
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
+1 408-605-7833

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Excel data automation

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

we run LabVIEW on many of our platforms and we use Aledyne's spreadsheet express. the system helps us to automate excel data, deliver cleanly formatted excel files, and has the capability of integrating with previously recorded data files. Our research and data department is very excel heavy so spreadsheet express has implemented smoothly into our system. the system also has macro and excel template interfaces and allows our data collection to be formatted in output results into the same excel file or allows us to create a new file. LabVIEw and the spreadsheet express has streamlined our data warehousing and cleaned up a lot of the work for us. the program itself is not very expensive and they allow for a free trail that includes all of the features. the spreadsheet program is a one time fee of $200 which is very reasonable.

Strengths: LabVIEW runs on multiple platforms, system implementations, well versed with programming languages, as well as RTOS. LabVIEW certification available

Needs to improve: none