Drugs, Proprietaries, And Sundries

Contact Information

400 Grove Rd
Thorofare, NJ 08086
+1 856-384-4200

All 1 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

Independent pharmacy supplier

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 3 / Price 4 / Quality 3

i own a private independent pharmacy and have recently switched over to ABC as our sole medication supplier. The switch overall from our previous supplier saved us a lot of money. However, the services that they offer is not as good. We used to be able to call our supplier with a 1800 number to get stock information, back orders and med shortages but we cant do that with ABC. Moreover, their website is not as easy to use and we get charged extra for using the website to order rather than ordering through our own ordering system that links to ABC

Strengths: cheaper prices/good rates

Needs to improve: none