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1550 Bryant St #900
San Francisco, CA 94103

All 2 Reviews

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Reviewer Job Function

task management and team calender with mobile access for management team and employees

CEO/Owner , Consulting

Speed 3 / Price 5 / Quality 4

Asana is a new start-up in our area which our company was recommended to help us do some project management among our different groups who either work in the same office or in our satellite office in the south bay. it has helped us to manage our emails and more importantly lessened the load of our work emails to and from our employees. the software has helped the management team and our employees stay on the same page by allowing us to create, assign, and comment on tasks. it has also helped us to manage our files and e-conversations storing them in one location with time stamps so it makes it easier for us to find and chronicle. there is a team calender available in which team members schedules and tasks are also listed. Asana is currently free but you must register for it on their website. the only downfall is that this is fairly new so expect frequent updates.

Strengths: project management, mobile use, user friendly, free service, task management, streamline work place

Needs to improve: still in the fairly early stages of development so there are a lot of updates

Free project management/collaboration tool. It is really good.

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

We started using Asana to track our project and stay on schedule. It is a great tool and very easy to use. It will send you emails when a task is due and other people on your team can assign or comment on tasks.

Strengths: Free for small companies and individuals. All online. Easy to use. Very useful for managing and tracking your project. Collaboration.

Needs to improve: If you don't have access to the internet you are stuck.