Contact Information

1210 Commerce Ave., Suite 8
Woodland, CA 95776
+1 800-322-4539

All 1 Reviews

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Great online/mail order logging supply company

Supply Chain/Logistics , Agricultural / Forestry

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Always exceptional service and attention to detail. Once, when I was ordering a large amount of chainsaw chain, I received a follow up call from one of the customer service reps, who wanted to check on the order. He detected a possible error due to my spec order and he was correct. We were able to correct the order immediately and not have to hassle with a return.

Strengths: We have used and contracted with Bailey's Logging Supply for over 30 years to supply us with chainsaws, bar's chains and consumable items needed to keep our logging and clearing crews working. They are an original B2B supplier and started out working withing the timber industry. They have very competitive pricing, great customer service and excellent inventory. Up to a few years ago, it was not uncommon to actually speak with one of the original family members if you were phone ordering. Our annual budget for our contract with Baileys is over $25k/year. They have never let us down

Needs to improve: Mail order/online order means sometimes a slight delay in receiving product. No local presence. Do not carry all the brands of saws we use (Stihl).