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2 Community Reviews 4.50/5 Overall Rating

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Definitely recommend!

Graphic Design

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 4

I highly recommend as a remote service for working in teams. It helps me to improve myself and have a permanent income from freelancing. Thanks for it I have made good friends&colleagues and the job I had always dreamt to have. As for the features, I wanna say it's easy at use, has free entry fee for freelancers, a variety of job offers (talking about my niche). The only minus for me is bad vetting process, which is not good for employers who want to be sure they work with the best professionals.

Opportunities for freelancers

Marketing & Advertising

Speed 4 / Price 5 / Quality 5

I am always in search for work and inspiration. I`ve faced this platform a short time ago and it seems really nice. There are dozens of categories, handy portfolio, rating systems, ability to prove your skills and much more. Another importance is a safe deal service, must have for any freelance cooperation!
Main weakness is a lack of employers. But each similar website offers more performers, doesn`t it?