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1795 Commerce Drive
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
+1 800-632-2314

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Avoid this supplier!

Purchasing , Medical Device

Speed 1 / Price 1 / Quality 1

There's not a lot of flexibility offered by their products. When you decide to use their equipment, you do have to use their lamination film. In many cases, this isn't an easy task for manufacturing companies, especially since D&K's lamination film have always had very finicky performance. D&K, at least in my experience, has been the most problematic material I've dealt with. D&K wasn't able to establish a tolerance (i.e. thickness, tackiness etc) for their product, and worse, when we ask for technical assistance, they push back and say that it is our manufacturing processes that is wrong. When we do ask for guidance on certain issues we're encountering, they push back and say that it's our fault because we refused to buy the high-speed equipment (which is 5x more expensive than their lower-grade equipment that they sold first) they;ve been trying to offer us. I think there's better approaches to communicating this. NOTE: None of the films that we can't use on our production line were picked up by D&K for credit or replacement.

Strengths: D&K not only manufactures lamination film but it also manufactures it's own laminating equipment. They carry on their line a variety of models for different applications. I used D&K's lamination film for laminating photobook hard covers.

Needs to improve: D&K definitely has to improve a lot on their quality. They need to set tolerances that are achievable. They need to adhere to these tolerances and if these specifications are not met, they should own up to their misses. D&K should have the accountability for failures on their quality and inspection processes. They also should maintain a "true partner" attitude rather than just aiming to sell equipment.