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6150 Parkland Blvd Ste 1
Cleveland, OH 44124
+1 216-921-6505

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Datatrak International - worth a look if you're shopping for EDC provider

Clinical , Medical Device

Speed 3 / Price 5 / Quality 4

Despite the difficulties in getting the system launched and fixed, whenever we needed it to be, our experience with Datatrak was relatively positive. Our project manager was a superstar. He and his supervisor came by a few times to visit us. They were very good value for the money, at the time.

Strengths: They are typically ahead of their time. I used a previous version of their software whose frontend study coordinators absolutely loved, since the layout was similar to the way paper case report forms looked like. Also, one of their strengths was great communication from project management and upper management.

Needs to improve: Deadlines were consistently not met. "Go live" dates were pushed and, after the system had launched, getting the database changed was like pulling teeth. Granted, we used what is now a legacy system, however it was a pretty difficult experience to go through, reporting the delays to our upper management.