Engineering Services

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5110 Roanoke Pl # 101
College Park, MD 20740
+1 301-474-0607

All 1 Reviews

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Bad customer relations building, but good product

R & D / Engineering , Architectural And Engineering

Speed 3 / Price 2 / Quality 4

Is edit hem multiple times for FMG and H2S testing. Most jobs were under $15k. When I had a job over $15k, they would not start until a 10% initial payment was given. But those terms were not agreed upon with their and my company at the Purchasing and Accounts Payable level. So at my working level it caused a hug delay. Based solely on how much I spent previously with them, they could have bent the rules in my urgent situation. I needed the job done fast. This 100% tells me they are not willing to compromise and build good relationships.

Strengths: They have Flowing Mixed Gas testing capability I have not seen in too many other facilities. They have stringent ppm levels of many gasses, which means they invest in their supply.

Needs to improve: They are expensive and not cooperative negotiating price and contract terms. They are also not that fast to get the job done and could improve on their following up with customers.