Contact Information

5437 Ellsworth Ave
Dallas, TX 75206
+1 214-828-4542

All 2 Reviews

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Utterly useless

Operations , Consumer Electronics

Speed 1 / Price 1 / Quality 1

Earthlink technologies essentially acts a sales hub that generates users for time warner cable since that is who they use for their technology infrastructure and associated billing. Quite possibly one of the most useless internet service providers our company has ever used as it's unreliable, inconvenient and customer service reps are all offshore and have no idea what they are doing.

Strengths: none

Needs to improve: poor customer service, poor products, piggybacking off time warner cable and causes all kinds of unnecessary back channels and redirects just to get simple account changes made

how is this company still around?

Finance/Accounting , Financial Services

Speed 1 / Price 1 / Quality 1

Earthlink is a relic that primarily services and refers people to Time Warner. They have horrendous customer service and are surprisingly still a company. Would never use them again.

Strengths: None.

Needs to improve: They are an ancient and inefficient Internet service provider. They have terrible customer service too.