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Ask for Jose Alva

General Administrative , Construction

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Very good workers over all. they will stay until the job is done. will work into the night and will come during the weekend if you ask. overall with the ups and down very satisfied with the finish product with the price your paying.

Strengths: Many workers will come to do an apartment as to get the job done quickly. Always here when they say they will be here. time management skills are very good when they say they will be done by a certain time they will be done by that time. clean up the mess they make.

Needs to improve: generally most of the workers are of Spanish decent who speak very little English. (ask for Jose Alva) he will give you the best product. they cant give you a good time frame and accurate price until they see the bare foundation they are going to be putting down new floor on. Loud mexican music will be playing doesn't bother me, but im sure it will others.