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100 Greenway Blvd.
carrollton, GA 30117
+1 866-242-3805

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EHR with high potential but current bugs are preventing its full usage

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 3

greenway is the provider of a new health service software we have integrated into our existing software. it has taken all of our immunization and testing services into a separate portal to manage. some benefits is we are able to communicate with providers in a real time manner and exchange documentations more readily. moreover, when provider services to our patients, the software is able to print out all the forms necessarily to completely the transaction whereas before, we had to have them pre-printed and stored away. we have purchased the program about 3 months ago, and we have had a lot of buggy issues with the software that has not allowed us to us it fully yet. it is currently completely off line due to an update that needs to be fixed which has been really disappointing. moreover, the software is not "fully" intergrated into our existing system in that it is on a completely different tab and our staff has had to tab back and forth between user portals which is time consuming and prolongs wait time. hopefully, when the kinks are fixed, we can fully use this software to its fullest potential

Strengths: sleek interface, allows us to transition our health testing to a completely different portal, real time communication with providers, provides a pathway of communication with providers including documentations

Needs to improve: a bit confusing to use, we have had a lot of bugs with the system lately that has not allowed us to fully use the software yet