Commercial Printing, Nec

Services Provided

Contact Information

11445 Schenk Dr
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
+1 314-739-6773

All 2 Reviews

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Highly recommended for label printers!

Clinical , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Good quality label printers, we have two of them in our department and they get used all day, they work great, they're very durable, sturdy, they print out labels fast, and our labels always look nice, they definitely are a great asset to our department! Accurate quotes, good prices, quick turnarounds, and our printers were delivered fast! Great customer service! I highly recommend this company!

Strengths: Great label printers, labels are perfectly printed each time, these printers are a great asset to us..

Needs to improve: No issues

Definitely recommend to others

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

We use their label makers at my work every day. I gotta say great quality product. Long lasting and durable.

Strengths: Strong products

Needs to improve: No real issues regarding products