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4700 Walnut St Ste 130
Boulder, CO 80301
+1 303-449-5494

All 5 Reviews

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Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

Quality fans

Operations , Consulting

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

We're a small assembly and we use NMB fans as one of our components. Have had no issues to date as it keeps all of our systems running smoothly with no overheating. Great customer service and quick turnarounds on orders. The staff is very helpful and always tries to offer additional promotions when possible. Great overall experience.

Strengths: product quality, customer service, expert staff

Needs to improve: none

NMB fans really works for power supply systems!!

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

We use the fans from NMB for our power supply systems in our dialysis machines to keep the temperature cool and at ease. This really helps and have never had any issues of the boards overheating.

Strengths: They have useful parts to support electrical devices.

Needs to improve: None.

Great small electronic fans!

General Administrative , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Use their fans in our testing machines, power supply units and rework work shop departments!

Strengths: Small reliable fans be electronic devices.

Needs to improve: None I know of!

Reliable fans

Manufacturing , Consumer Products

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

We order ther componant fans for our eletronic shipping and good price for bulk buying.

Strengths: Great fan componants

Needs to improve: Havnt had any

I would recommended their products.

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Use their fans in our power supply systems.

Strengths: quality, durable, fans

Needs to improve: none