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Scientific microscopes

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 4 / Price 2 / Quality 4

Olympus supplies our microscopes we use in the laboratory. we use 2 of their systems - the virtual microscope and their stereomicroscope which are all available in their BX3 line. we chose this series because it provides convenience, comfort and configurability to make our workflow efficient. they offer additional optics and accessories as well. one of the best features of Olympus microscopes is their software capability. we are able to analyze images on screen even for images that are difficult to depict. one top of quality equipment, olympus has a service solution department with extended warranty, support network as well as repair services and product registration. their products are top of the line and pricing is competitive although it can be on the higher end. but for the quality you get with their equipment, the higher price tag is worth the outcome it provides.

Strengths: scientific microscope

Needs to improve: none