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3000 Minuteman Road
Andover , MA 01810-1099
+1 800-225-0230

All 1 Reviews

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Reviewer Job Function

AED supplier

Supply Chain/Logistics , Military / Law Enforcement

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Exceptional service and fast delivery.

Strengths: Phillips Healthcare provides personal use, automatic external defibrillators to private industry. I recently managed a contract to purchase 25 units through a local vendor, HeartReady. The products arrived on time, as promised and with a bulk discount. The HeartStart FRX AED's are super easy to use, long lasting and surprisingly economical. Phillips also provided additional back-up supplies and tech support. Their reputation as a reliable and durable AED is industry wide. This product came highly recommended to us and we have been very satisfied.

Needs to improve: None. National company with great local support