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204 S 69th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85043
+1 623-936-5599

All 1 Reviews

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Reviewer Job Function

Expertise in extruding aluminum profiles

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 5 / Quality 4

They were prompt with a reply that includes tolerances they can hold, materials they can extrude for my profile, tooling cost and lead time. Their tooling cost was very affordable especially for prototyping purposes. They answered my questions readily regarding the material yield strength properties, which helped me tremendously in material selection.

Strengths: They have great capabilities to extrude tight tolerance (+/- .003") profile shapes. They are very knowledgeable in the material yield strengths of their extrusions, which makes material selection easier for the customer.

Needs to improve: They are limited to the extruding aluminum material, which makes them less flexible in material selection, especially when I'm looking for higher yield strength.