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Contact Information

1001 Railroad ave
Pittsburg, CA 94565
+1 916-371-2570

All 3 Reviews

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Used For


Reviewer Industry

Reviewer Job Function

very reliable oil company

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

we use Ramos Oil Co. to service all of our delivery trucks on a regular basis and without them we wouldn't be able to use our delivery trucks as affectively and our customers wouldn't get their machines on time.

Strengths: very reliable
excellent customer service

Needs to improve: no weakness

great service

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

My compamy uses ramos oil to serbice our delivery trucks regularly and they are very dependable and efficient. We have not had any transportation problems while using ramos oil. Highly recommended

Strengths: Very dependable. Efficient. Great service

Needs to improve: No weakness

Provides great diesel service

Quality , Medical Device

Speed 3 / Price 5 / Quality 5

Ramos oil services my company's diesel trucks. Great customer service. They fix every problem they find with our trucks.

Strengths: Quality services

Needs to improve: None