Medical And Hospital Equipment

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56 Carpenter Ln
Wallingford, CT 06492
+1 203-265-7701

All 2 Reviews

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Great customer service!

Clinical , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Excellent customer service. Ongoing staff education.

Strengths: Respironics is one of the top manufacturers of CPAP machines and supplies. Their masks are widely used by many patients. Their customer service is excellent. They are always willing to educate staff when new products become available.

Needs to improve: The quality of their masks has suffered in recent years, however patients still like some of their older models, such as the Comfort Gel.

Knowelagedable stuff. Offers great customer service.

Clinical , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Offers great services and products. ComfortGel mask fit perfectly on patients face.

Strengths: Offers diiferent types of masks, cpap machines, and great customer service.

Needs to improve: Some masks that was made by Respironics wouldn't create a high leak.