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280 Summer St # 7
Boston, MA 02210
+1 617-443-6640

All 2 Reviews

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Good for setting up a new office

R & D / Engineering , Medical Device

Speed 3 / Price 3 / Quality 5

Steelecase is pretty much the best office furniture you can get. I had the chance to visit the steelcase facility when we went through a remodel. Good people, great product, but it is by far the most expensive cubicle, desk, chair setup out there.

Strengths: office furniture

Needs to improve: expensive

Great office furniture.

Supply Chain/Logistics , Military / Law Enforcement

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 5

Great service and quality pieces.

Strengths: Steelcase is an industry leader in super high quality office furniture, partitions and desks. They have an amazing supply and range great furniture. If you are not on a start-up budget and can buy the best, Steelcase is the way to go.

Needs to improve: Can be pricey.