Bags: Plastic, Laminated, And Coated

Contact Information

213 Temkin Way
Payson, UT 84651
+1 800-235-5263

All 1 Reviews

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Purchasing , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

Overall, I am very pleased with Temkin's way of handling our business requirements. They are a big player in the market, supplying bags for large retail companies within the US, so doing business with a smaller company like my previous employer is something that is well appreciated.

Strengths: Temkin is a great supplier that it doesn't eye a customer based on size or amount of business that you're going to award them. I purchased photobook bags from Temkin. The total worth of business is not that large compared to other fast-moving goods, but Temkin took care of our needs like it's worth billions of dollars. The account manager who handled my account is very accomodating in terms of reviewing our business performance, extended us price reductions, and other replenishment programs that allowed us to maintain a continuous flow of inventory. The Customer Service rep assigned to me was also very pleasant and on time.

Needs to improve: The only issue I had with Temkin is on their minimum order quantity. The MOQ on certain bags I purchased are too many that they would last me sometimes over a year.