Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, And Washers

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Contact Information

152 Glen Rd
Mountainside, NJ 07092
+1 908-518-4160

All 1 Reviews

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The Clip for Fastening Solutions...

R & D / Engineering , Telecommunications

Speed 5 / Price 4 / Quality 4

I've ordered many items from Tinnerman Palnut Engineered, mainly clips and metal spring nuts. The staff is knowledgeable with their entire line and can bring in the experts, quotes, specifications, engineering support, samples, etc... They can supply short-term and long-term solutions to all your clip needs for mechanical and electrical And top that off they are by far one of the most reasonable when it comes to price - very competitive.

Strengths: Competitive pricing, good quality, on time delivery, customer service orientated, accurate quotes, data sheets

Needs to improve: none