Contact Information

181 3rd St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
+1 415-777-5300

All 1 Reviews

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Can't beat W Hotel (SF) for its location!

CEO/Owner , Hospitality

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 5

It accommodated mixers for tech startups which had about a 1000 guests. The event planning to accommodate such a large crowd that was not sitting (since it was a mixer) is no small feat and was conducted smoothly.

Strengths: Location, location location. It's conveniently located to all public transportation (Bart, Muni, and event somewhat walkable to Caltrain), major convention centers, downtown SF, Union Square, and Embarcadero. It is close to most businesses so networking and meeting with people for business are incredibly easy.

Needs to improve: If you are familiar with other W Hotels, W San Francisco won't be the most chic hotel within the network. However, this seems to be more of a norm in major cities that are limited in space. It has an interesting mix of bar, conference, and hotel set up. In one hand, it is a plus. On the other hand, it can be annoying for non-conference attenders.