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2775 Tapo St., Suite 101
simi valley, CA 93063

All 2 Reviews

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Data integration software

CEO/Owner , Pharmaceuticals

Speed 4 / Price 3 / Quality 4

we use the centerprise software created by Astera. it is a data management software that has allowed us to compile all of our complex data into one single platform. the software allows our engineers to continuously measure and enhance the quality of our data. there is an extensive drag and drop functionality. the user interface is intuitive, clutter free and incorporates seamlessly into any system. once we incorporated Centerprise into our company, it has reduced the amount of IT help needed which has allowed us to cut down on IT contracting services and thereby dec our company cost. the software is affordable and you are only charged for what you use. all in all, our company has been able to save time, run more efficiently, reduce our spending and IT resources with Centerprise's integration platform for a fraction of what some other company's charge for their data integration software

Strengths: data integration data warehousing, flexible data management, structured software, intuitive interface

Needs to improve: none

Great service using ediconnect

Manufacturing , Medical Device

Speed 4 / Price 4 / Quality 4

We use ediconnect in our facility it is so convienant when we need to communicate with other companies ,we think its great .we have it had any issues at all and are happy with their services.

Strengths: Ediconnect

Needs to improve: We have not had any issues