Contact Information

12700 Park Central Drive, Suite 1300
Dallas, TX 75251
+1 972-619-4100

All 1 Reviews

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Great for catering!! Reliable & consistent service w/ delivery.

General Administrative , Medical Device

Speed 5 / Price 5 / Quality 5

I have had a lovely experience with Corner Bakery. They offer a quick turn around and provide a reliable and consistent service. Delivery is a key feature of their catering!

Strengths: Catering available for Breakfast, Lunch and anything in between. Wide selection of items beyond just pastries. Their catering menu includes: eggs made to order, sandwiches, salads, soup, pasta, sweets and a full assortment of drinks. Locations nationwide, yet have a local "corner bakery" feel. Catering trays are nicely presented. Reasonable pricing. Delivery! Consistently on-time.

Needs to improve: Wish there were even more locations.